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Jennifer Mansfield's Portfolio Homepage

This is Jennifer Mansfield's Fieldwork Portfolio. It is evidence of her work towards earning a preliminary administrative credential. You will find evidence of projects completed to meet the California Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (CPSELs).

Student Bio/Information

Jennifer Mansfield is a National Board Certified, UCLA Center X trained social justice educator with over 12 years of experience working in socioeconomically, culturally, linguistically and racially diverse communities.  She received a bachelor degree in International Business from American University and a Masters degree in Education from UCLA.  She currently works as an intern to the superintendent of schools at Para Los Niños.  In the summer of 2013 she will she will join the leadership team at Broadway Elementary as an intervention pic

During her years as a classroom teacher she served in many leadership roles.  She was a mentor for beginning teachers through the Los Angeles Unified School Districts’ BTSA program, a guiding teacher for student teachers, a lead science teacher, a member of the school’s Professional Learning Community (GSAT) and a co-chair of the Language Arts Committee.  Jennifer has collaborated with her colleagues to co-create and implement professional development in the areas of literacy, culturally responsive pedagogy and Common Core State Standards.  She has also presented at conferences on culturally responsive teaching.

Her vision is to provide equitable and excellent schools to all students by creating dynamic, welcoming, high performing learning environments that are also organizations that serve the local community.  She believes that high quality instruction occurs when educators embrace ethnic, linguistic, and socioeconomic diversity through a culturally relevant curriculum and an instructional plan based on constructivism.  A crucial component of creating high performing learning environments is the ability to cultivate relationships and partnerships with parents, families and the community.  She has worked closely with nonprofit agencies such as the Young Storytellers and Spirit Series to create learning partnerships that bring art and literacy programs to schools serving marginalized communities.  She is a committed social justice educator working to improve educational outcomes for all students.

School Information

Para Los Niños is a multifaceted nonprofit organization that has worked for more than 30 years to support children.  Through early childhood centers, charter schools and wellness centers, comprehensive family support and after school services, the Para Los Niños elementary school (PLN) provides high quality education to 357 students (99% Latino).  English Language Learners (ELL’s) constitute 73% of the population.  There is a high incidence of poverty and homelessness in the surrounding environment

The organization has a unique history and humble beginnings.

“In October 1979, the Los Angeles Times published an article that galvanized a community. It was the first of many to spotlight the plight of children and families living in the depths of despair in Los Angeles’ inner cities. It spoke of children living in Skid Row, locked in hotel rooms or left alone to wander dangerous neighborhood streets, while their parents worked to survive. At that time, little attention was paid to these forgotten children. Few services and safe havens existed for these young boys and girls. Ninety percent did not attend school.

Within a year of the article appearing in the Los Angeles Times, social worker Tanya Tull founded Para Los Niños. In 1980, the organization came to life in a former false eyelash factory where at-risk children, eager for a chance to learn, were offered a safe and nurturing environment filled with exploration, hope and opportunity.” (

Para Los Niños was founded so that no child would be forgotten . . .”

ChinatownToday, as a testament to its commitment to providing high quality education for all children, the Para Los Niños Charter School utilizes a project-based learning (PBL) approach to education.  They also integrate a science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM) focus.  PBL can assist teachers in teaching content knowledge and skills in a contextualized way, which builds deeper understanding of concepts, and makes a school curriculum more meaningful.  Para Los Niños is a safe haven for children and families and is a place that exemplifies high quality learning.

PLI Fieldwork Cohort 13

PLI Candidate- Jennifer Mansfield, Intern to Superintendent of Para Los Niños Charter Schools

UCLA PLI Faculty Advisor- Dr. Nancy Parachini

School Site Supervisor- Titus Campos, Superintendent of Para Los Niños Charter Schools

CPSEL Project List

Project 1: Leadership Project

Project 2: Professional Development on the Common Core

Project 3: Administrative Internship

Project 4: Young Storytellers

Portfolio Browsing Options

Project webpages

Standard 1
, Standard 2, Standard 3, Standard 4, Standard 5 and Standard 6

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