Building Agency through School Community Events
Fostering a Welcoming School Environment that Promotes Parent and Community Engagement
Located in
Fieldwork Portfolio
Project Webpages
Changing Habits of Mind
Located in
Fieldwork Portfolio
Project Webpages
College Talk: Fuerza Unida & Latino Student Union
Located in
Myrna Cervantes' Fieldwork Portfolio
Projects by Titles
Cotsen Fellowship in Mathematics
Fellowship in the artful teaching of mathematics
Located in
Fieldwork Portfolio
Project Webpages
Culver City Unified's Mathematics Committee
Represent both my school site and grade level at district level mathematics meetings that deal with CCSS, math textbook adoptions, and mathematics assessments.
Located in
Fieldwork Portfolio
Project Webpages
Curriculum Leader, World Languages
Located in
Fieldwork Portfolio
Project Webpages
Fostering a College-Going Culture
Located in
Fieldwork Portfolio
Project Webpages
Grade-Level Chair
Located in
Fieldwork Portfolio
Project Webpages
Ian Eddy's Portfolio Homepage
This is Ian Eddy's Fieldwork Portfolio. Through the portfolio you will find evidence of my work toward earning a preliminary administration services credential. In addition, you will find evidence and an analysis of the projects that I have completed to meet the CPSEL's.
Located in
Ian Eddy Workspace
Fieldwork Portfolio
Leadership Council
Don't find fault, find a remedy.
Henry Ford
Located in
Fieldwork Portfolio
Project Webpages