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Project 3: High School Visitation


As part of the charter school system in South Los Angeles, there are feeder high schools pre-established for students to matriculate into upon graduation from middle school.  Unfortunately, due to the financial focus and limited resources of the feeder schools, students do not have access to a variety of courses, activities, technology, and resources present in other district and private schools.  In looking at theproj 3 pic2 old campus.jpegclassroom sizes and performance of the surrounding high schools, I felt the need to use my resources in an attempt to bridge the gap between my inner city students and their suburban counterparts.  I have students of varied academic readiness for high school curriculum and sought to find access to private schools for students working at or above their eighth grade level.  I at first struggled with the selection of students, as I wanted to ensure this opportunity was not subjective or exclusionary.  After months of reviewing student work and building relationships with my students, I saw this as an opportunity for all students who met grade requirements to succeed in a new setting.


I first chose to contact my former high school Principal at Mary Star High School.  I spoke to her in person about a handful of students that I felt could greatly add to the school culture and benefit from proj 3 pic 1Mary_Star campus.jpgattending the school.  She was more than willing to speak to the students and their families and invite them to campus to meet the teachers and students.  A large barrier to private schools is high priced tuition, which I wanted to discuss with the principal prior to mentioning this opportunity to my students and their families.  The principal assured me, that for my students, they would create financial scholarship packages based on their school funds, independent of the Archdiocese.

After this meeting, I met with the families of four students in an informal manner and gave them information about the high school, answered questions including transportation, classes, and cost. Two of the four families had more than two other children that needed to be taken to school and saw the twenty-minute distance as something that could negatively impact their child, although they expressed interest in the school and everything it offered.

In maintaining communication with the principal, I received more information from the high school to present to students and established an on campus tour for two students where they would be allowed to meet teachers, students, and administrative staff and receive information on placement testing which was extended.



My main concern of distance and the exclusivity among private schools was challenge I was hoping to overcome; but it proved greater than I expected.  I do consider establishing the relationship between Mary Star and my school site a success, as unique measures were made for entrance testing and financial aid not typically provided.  In understanding the complexity of situations many of my students and their families balance each day, I anticipated apprehension in the prospect of private schooling as thedemographics of the schools and religious focus of the schools is very different from that of publicproj 3 pic3 Mary.jpgschools.  In meeting with the families I learned that presenting information after knowing the families and their main concerns greatly minimizes these apprehensions.  One parent who was concerned about the schools focus on religion felt appeased as I told her about my own experience as someone who was not of the same religion as my school.  Establishing this type of connection between high schools and middle schools is important for all local schools.  I see this project as the beginning of the establishment of matriculation connections to various public and private high schools, primarily within a ten-mile radius of the school so as to minimize the deciding factor of distance.


Connection to CPSELs

CPSEL Standard 4

Collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources.

  • 4.1 Collaborate to incorporate the perspective of families and community members
  • 4.2 Establish and manage linkage between the site and the larger community context