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AVID Parent Meeting


As  a co-coordinator of the Advanced Via Individualized Determination (AVID) program, I am responsible for organizing AVID parent meetings.  The purpose of the meetings are varied, but this particular meeting was held to inform parents of the expectations of being an AVID student and offer parents an overview of the program.  The parent meeting was held on the same day as parent-teacher conferences during the hour dinner break so that it would be convenient for the parents to attend.  Translations were provided for the parents.


The parent meeting was successful in achieving its goal of relaying the mission of the AVID program, the curriculum to be taught, and the responsibilities of the students and parents.  The meeting was accessible to all parents because translations were provided and teachers were available to answer questions or address concerns.  However, the shortcoming was that we only held an initial meeting in the beginning of the year that was informative, but we did not hold subsequent parent assemblies and workshops throughout the year.  I think it is important that in the future, we not only hold educational workshops for the parents regarding AVID and simulate some of what the students learn in the program, but also to have informal gatherings such as potlucks or ice-cream socials that would build relationships and be a start in establishing parents as a vital partner of the AVID community at our school.  Space needs to be created for parents to have opportunity to communicate their views and participate in their child's education in a meaningful manner, and not to just be recipients of information.

Parent orientation

Connection to CPSEL

4.1 Collaborated to incorporate the perspective of families by recognizing the goals and aspirations of diverse families

Supporting Documents

Presentation documents

Parent Sign-In Sheet