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You are here: Home PLI Cohort 13 Merle Price Fieldwork Class Kevin Garcia Workspace Fieldwork Portfolio Project Webpages

Project Webpages

These are the different leadership projects I took on during the 2012-2013 school year.
Project 1: College Visit Coordination
Throughout the first semester, I set up college visits to our campus by college admissions representatives. Fifteen college admissions representatives made it on campus for official school visits.
Project 2: Clean Campus Campaign
I worked with the Safe and Civil Team on identifying reasons for student care and treatment of the lunch area. I helped put together an advisory lesson that links school cleanliness to school culture. I also facilitated the purchase of recycle bins.
Project 3: “Moving Away to College” Parent Workshop
I helped to coordinate a parent workshop for parents of students who may be going away to college. I collected data on their knowledge and feelings about the process pre and post workshop.
Project 4: Parent Meetings
Throughout the year I have met with parents of my students to discuss their academic standing and progress towards graduation and college.
Project 5: Advanced Placement Testing Coordination
I helped to facilitate discussions about our current AP grading practices with AP teachers. We also talked about AP testing policies and best practices at our school. I then coordinated all AP Exam ordering and facilitated as well as proctored testing.
Project 6: East Coast College Trip
Starting in the fall, I recruited students for the college trips. Once students were identified, I planned, coordinated, and executed the college trip to the east coast specifically. I was in charge of payment schedules, the entire budget, and planning all aspects of the trip.
PLI Leadership Project: AB 540 Club
Establishing a club to have a significant presence on campus that could support AB 540 students. The club will focus on academic and social/emotional support, education about immigration policy, advocacy, networking, and seeking resources for undocumented students.