Project 4: Middle School Co-Lead Teacher
Middle School Co-Lead
Teachers have played a major role in meeting many of the essential and important operational needs of our middle school such as planning for Open House, parent conferences, scheduling needs, fundraising, planning culmination activities and providing direction for the middle school.
Main Activities
As one of the lead teachers in the middle school, I scheduled and facilitated meetings throughout the year to ensure that some very essential middle school teacher and student needs were met. This year we had 4 new teachers join our fairly small middle school team. With more than half of the teachers being new, I thought it would be essential to coordinate and take the lead on many middle school specific activities and events throughout the year.
- Middle School Teacher/Staff Retreat: I planned and facilitated a full-day middle school retreat in August, before the beginning of the school year to proactively promote teacher readiness and help create a positive teacher culture.
- Open House: I scheduled and facilitated a meeting to plan our Open House schedule, made copies of resources, sign-in sheets, and other necessary tools for a successful Open House.
- Parent Conferences: I planned a meeting to prepare for our Q1, Q2 and Q3 conferences. Each quarter teachers met prior to the conferences to continue best practices and make modifications based on student needs. We created tools to ensure that conferences would meet the diverse needs of our students.
- Teacher Support: I supported new teachers by being available to meet whenever they needed any support. I organized teacher celebrations to help set a positive middle school culture.
- Testing Schedule: During the CSTs, I met with the Office Manager to set a schedule during testing that would best meet student needs.
- School Based Council (SBC) Meetings: Occasionally attended SBC meetings as the middle school representative to support parents and provide a teacher perspective in the decision-making of issues regarding fundraising and school-wide events.
- Budget Meetings with Principal: Met with the principal to look over school budget plans for the current school year and upcoming school year. Gained insight in how budgetary planning and decision-making is done, and gave the principal some suggestions for spending around literacy instruction and middle school needs.
My experience as a lead teacher was rewarding. I learned to lead adults in planning, and implementing important middle school events to further student success and achievement. Fostering an environment of collaboration amongst teachers who may not be used to it was a challenge, but over time teachers could see my sincerity, and appreciated my transparency, integrity and authenticity. With adults, it is necessary to lead with honesty and humility and maintain their diverse needs in mind. Using time wisely and being efficient is crucial.
Connection to CPSEL
Standard 1: A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community
1.3 Allocate Resources to Support the Vision: Leverage and marshal sufficient resources, including technology, to implement and attain the vision for all students and all subgroups of students.
Standard 5: A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by modeling a personal code of ethics and developing professional leadership capacity.
5.1 Maintain Ethical Standards of Professionalism: Model personal and professional ethics, integrity, justice, and fairness and expect the same behavior from others. Protect the rights and confidentiality of students and staff. Use the influence of the office to enhance the education, not personal gain.
5.2 Model Reflective Practice and Continuous Growth: Reflect on personal leadership practices and recognize their impact and influence on the performance of others. Engage in professional and personal development.
5.3 Sustain Professional Commitment and Effort: Encourage and inspire others to higher levels of performance, commitment, and motivation. Sustain personal motivation, commitment, energy, and health by balancing professional and personal responsibility
Standard 6: A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context.
6.1 Engage with the Policy Environment to Support School Success: Work with the governing board and district and local leaders to influence policies that benefit students and support the improvement of teaching and learning.
Supporting Documents
Cisneros Middle School Retreat
Cisneros Financial Analysis_2014
Cisneros Financial Dashboard_2014