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CAPE - Professional Learning & Growth Leadership

  • CAPE 13: Modeling Life-Long Learning and Job-Related Professional Growth

    The principal models his/her own self-improvement and professional learning and growth activities, and demonstrates monitoring of improvement in his/her own performance over time. The principal uses multiple sources of data to help inform his/her own job-related professional growth plan. The principal understands how to support, motivate, and provide recognition to staff at various stages in their professional careers.

  • CAPE 14: Helping Teachers Improve Their Individual Professional Practice Through Professional Growth Activities

    The principal is knowledgeable about adult learning principles and their use in designing, facilitating, and implementing effective, motivating, and data-driven professional growth activities for teachers. Professional growth activities are focused on authentic situations and problems and on improving student learning outcomes consistent with the school growth plan. The principal is knowledgeable about induction programs and support systems for beginning teachers, and about individualized teacher support processes such as mentoring and coaching. The principal uses data effectively to collaboratively design differentiated professional development to meet the needs of individual teachers as well as overall school improvement goals.

  • CAPE 15: Identifying and Facilitating a Variety of Professional and Personal Growth Opportunities for Faculty, Staff, Parents, and Other Members of the School Community in Support of the Educational Program

    The principal involves all members of the school community in identifying and providing targeted professional and personal growth activities to support student achievement as well as increase adults’ knowledge and skills. The principal is knowledgeable about and actively seeks resources for accessing and providing a variety of professional and personal growth opportunities for all members of the school community.

Leadership Project: ELD Program
Inclusion Project: Team Lead
PBIS Project: Teacher Leader
Parent Engagement: Team Lead
Teacher Council Project: School Representative
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