Project Images
Add photos for your portfolio webpages.
- Burbank Middle School
- Luther Burbank Middle School
- Belmont
- Belmont High School
- Ramon Cortines High School
- Ramon Cortines High School
- Berendo Middle School
- Berendo Middle School
- logic model
- PLI I am good at math graph
- PLI my classmates ask me for help
- PLI math is one of my fav
- PLI males are better
- PLI I would like to major in math
- Belmont demo 1
- Belmont demo 2
- Belmont demo teacher notes 2
- selfie
- pic
- IMG 2277
- LAUSD school bus lead
- camping out at beaudry
- recortes protest
- stand at grand
- negotiations 1
- bargaing team with impasse sign web
- IMG 1725
- IMG 2351
- logan
- CAPES leadership project
- CAHSEE student data blank
- 3289879 orig
- CAHSEE mini quiz example
- CAHSEE example 1
- CAHSEE example 2
- CAHSEE data collection completed