Grades of Green
Located in
Fieldwork Portfolio
Project Webpages
Ian Eddy's Portfolio Homepage
This is Ian Eddy's Fieldwork Portfolio. Through the portfolio you will find evidence of my work toward earning a preliminary administration services credential. In addition, you will find evidence and an analysis of the projects that I have completed to meet the CPSEL's.
Located in
Ian Eddy Workspace
Fieldwork Portfolio
Impact Assembly: "First Generation"
Located in
Myrna Cervantes' Fieldwork Portfolio
Projects by Titles
Instructional Leadership Team (ILT)
In this category, I explain my role and the purpose of this committee.
Located in
Fieldwork Portfolio
Project Webpages
Leadership Council
Don't find fault, find a remedy.
Henry Ford
Located in
Fieldwork Portfolio
Project Webpages
Leadership Project
Located in
Fieldwork Portfolio
Project Webpages
Leadership Project Part 1: ELA CCSS Moderator
Ongoing, professional development regarding what the ELA CCCS are, the rationale behind them, how to effectively implement them in grades K-8, unpacking the standards in grade level teams and creating reading assessments in grades K-8 that align with ELA CCS
Located in
Niki Scheppers' Portfolio Homepage
Project Webpages
Leadership Project Part 2: Professional Development
Professional development concerning Common Core State Standards, ELA: Reading
Located in
Niki Scheppers' Portfolio Homepage
Project Webpages
Leadership Project Part 3: CCSS Parent Workshop
Common Core State Standards ELA: Reading Parent Information Workshop March 26, 2014
Located in
Niki Scheppers' Portfolio Homepage
Project Webpages
Leadership Project Part 4: CCSS K-8 Grade Level Reading Assessments
K-8 Grade level reading assessments aligned with Common Core State Standards.
Located in
Niki Scheppers' Portfolio Homepage
Project Webpages