Project 5 - Facilities Management
Overview -
One of the realities of working at a Charter school is that they are often provided space for their school on an existing school campus. CLAS was provided space for their k4 through 1st grade classes on the campus of Coliseum elementary school. There was initial tension that existed between the Coliseum school site administrator and myself due to the natural feeling of competition for resources. However, my goal was to build a more cordial relationship by focusing us on maintaining a safe and clean environment for working and learning.
To establish this working relationship the Coliseum administrator and I attended bi-weekly meetings to discuss shared space, scheduling, noise, emergency and fire drill staff coordination and responsibilities and shared use of janitorial services. The bi-weekly meetings have allowed for sharing of ideas and getting to know each others personalities which help us manage our expectations of one another. I have been purposeful in the way I have tried to build bridges with the other administrator. One strategy I used was to informally start conversations with her in passing on the yard. The non-related work conversations often eased tension and improved our ability to compromise. The working relationship has improved over the year, but there are still points of contention. We have managed to work together to have a campus wide book fair and handle issues of a shared new J building placed on campus. At times it has been uncomfortable, but by keeping an open mind and a focus on what is in the best interest of all students the relationship has developed to a place where compromise is possible.
Reflection -
Managing the relationships between two schools that share a campus is one of the toughest parts of the job. However, it is important, because the safety and access to the school facilities is necessary for students to learn. Is is often cumbersome negotiating basic necessities, such as space on playground, but you find ways to get the work done. Even though this has been one of the most challenging relationships to negotiate, it has been the best learning experience. I took a lot of time to listen and observe what was taking place at her school so I could better understand her point of view when we would meet. The relationship is a continual work in progress.
CPSEL Connection -
CPSEL Standard 3
– Sustain a safe, efficient, clean, well-maintained, and productive school environment that nurtures student learning and supports the professional growth of teachers and support staff. (Work directly with Coliseum site administrator to ensure that the campus is safe, clean and students are learning in an nurturing environment).
CPSEL Standard 6
– Ensure that the school operates consistently within the parameters of federal, state, and local laws, policies, regulations, and statutory requirements. (Work collaboratively with Coliseum site administrator to ensure that access to facilities are shared and withing the parameters of the law).