Leadership Project Part 4: CCSS K-8 Grade Level Reading Assessments
K-8 Grade level reading assessments aligned with Common Core State Standards.
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Niki Scheppers' Portfolio Homepage
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“Math Practices in Action” PD Series and “Promising Practices” PLC
Supporting CCSS Instruction in Mathematics for Network Schools
Located in
Fieldwork Portfolio
Project Webpages
Pathways to Common Core Planning
Los Angeles Unified School District
ESC-West CCSS Professional Development
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Fieldwork Portfolio
Project Webpages
Master Program Institute (MPI)
I became certificated in the Master Program Institute, which is a ten week training designed specifically for school Administrators on how to build an effective, student-centered Master Schedule.
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Fieldwork Portfolio
Project Webpages
Project 1: African American Awareness Assemblies
Located in
Fieldwork Portfolio
Project Webpages
Project 2: Lead Professional Development
Located in
Fieldwork Portfolio
Project Webpages
Leadership Council
Don't find fault, find a remedy.
Henry Ford
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Fieldwork Portfolio
Project Webpages
African-American Family Network - Leadership Project
Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.
Les Brown
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Fieldwork Portfolio
Project Webpages
"Closing the Achievement Gap" Grant
To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.
Anatole France
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Fieldwork Portfolio
Project Webpages
School Assemblies
If you have only one smile in you give it to the people you love.
Maya Angelou
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Fieldwork Portfolio
Project Webpages